Candy Crush Level 110 Tips

Candy crush saga level 110 is far more difficult than it first looks. You just need to get 100,000 points. What's so difficult about that?!?!

So why so hard? Bombs and only 40 moves.

Bombs first

Always take care of the bombs as soon as possible. No exceptions. Don't pass up any opportunity to take out a bomb. Potential cascading matches can put a bomb out of reach. Bombs are worth a lot of points too. 

From the bottom

Work from the bottom, with vertical matches if possible. This will increase your chances of cascading matches.

Power combos

Don't use single combos unless you need to. Let them sit so that you can give yourself a chance of combining them with other stripes or wrapped candies. The striped/wrapped candy is the best combo for this board.


  1. I've reached over 100,000 several times. It shows on screen that I'm over the 100, 000 but it will not give me the candy crush. This last time I had 101,000 and said I did not reach level. Is there something I'm missing here???? This is very frustrating. Someone please help.

    1. It has done that to me several times too. I've just quit playing cause it won't let me advance. Idk what I'm doing wrong...if its not letting me accept my gifts ...odd good luck

  2. Because you probably had more moves yet and a bomb exploded

  3. Hey love your blog! Thought you might like this funny Candy Crush Saga comic: Gaming Web Comic - Candy Crush Saga

    Gaming Web Comic - Candy Crush Saga

  4. So do you need to complete all 40 moves no matter if you are over 100,000 ?????

  5. Ive gone 147890 and it still wont pass theres no bombs left either what can i do ?

  6. Focus on the 4-, 5- candy combos for the maximum number of points. Tend to the bombs first.
    I learned from a guide like this one that this game is really about mastering how to generate those special candy combos.

  7. I have gone over 100,000 several times and no sugar crush?????? Do you need to use all 40 moves?????

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Reached over 100,000 points and cannot get advanced on level 110. What does it take to pass this level?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Hey, first of all, thanks for such a lovely blog..the cheats are simple. I am fortunate enough that I just completed with the tough 109 level and landed on this post as I been looking for 110 level Candy Crush Saga cheats. I'll keep in mind - tackle the bombs first, start from the bottom and use combos when required, brilliant!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Thanks for sharing candy crush hints and tips.It's very informative and helpful to beat the level 110.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. It is so hard...Please view this for your help >> candy crush it level 110

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  20. Good Work Keep it up!

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