Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Candy crush level 102 tips

Candy crush saga level 102 is an ingredient level, with the added complications of a gap in the board and our old friend mr. chocolate!

Follow these tips and hints to better your chances of passing level 102.

Focus on the ingredients

You need to bring down the ingredients. Don't get side tracked with combos unless they will help you out.

Keep the chocolate in check

If the chocolate takes over the bottom of the screen, you're done for. But you probably already knew that. That's why you're here. Chocolate only spreads when you don't clear a chocolate on the previous move. So plan your moves ahead, so that you can take out chocolates on successive moves.

Keep the bombs in check too

Don't let the bombs hang around for too long. Take them or as soon as you can. Preferably within a couple of moves. You usually only get one shot to take out a bomb.


Look for vertical stripes and striped/wrapped combos.


The next ingredient drops on to the screen after one drops off the screen. It drops where you next clear the next candies, so use this opportunity to drop the ingredient where you want it to go.